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Demographic Resources

British Columbia


To access the facilitator’s guide to Starting A Conversation About Mental Health: Foundational Training for Students, visit:

To learn more about BCcampus and other mental health training programs, visit:

To learn more about the key principles that guided the development of this training and other mental health and wellness education programs, visit:



  • Island Deaf & Hard of Hearing - instructive self-advocacy, information and support to access government services, and employment assistance center

  • Victoria Disability Resource Centre -  They work closely with people who have a disability and with other community organizations to find and remove barriers that affect daily life



  • Cowichan Women Against Violence - Income Security, Debt Issues, Landlord and Tenancy rights, Income Assistance, Canada Pension Plan forms,Old Age Pension, Persons with Disabilities, Senior's Financial Concerns, Worker's Compensation/WorkBC, Employment Standards


  • Downtown Eastside Women's Centre - providing basic needs as well as counseling, advocacy, social, educational, and referral services.

  • VRRWS - Rape relief & Women's shelter 

  • Covenant House Vancouver - Helping homeless and at-risk street youth aged 16 to 24 who have fled physical, emotional and sexual abuse; those who have been forced from their homes; and those who have aged out of foster care.

  • Seniors Centre Society - Information and Referral and Outreach Services

  • VANDU - Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users 

  • WISH Drop-In Centre - Services to women in the Downtown Eastside 

  • Atira Women's Society - supporting women and children affected by violence by offering safe and supportive housing and by delivering education and advocacy aimed at ending all forms of gendered violence. (Surrey & Vancouver)

  • Friendship Centre - Programs in health, welfare, social services, human rights, culture, education, recreation, and equality for all genders of Aboriginal Peoples of all age groups.

  • AIDS Vancouver - community health organizations to support individuals vulnerable to the epidemic.​​​

  • Ending Violence Association

  • Georgia Strait Womens Clinic - 24-hour medical care, psychiatry, psychology, nutrition and fitness support, specialized bodywork, and more services.

  • Orange Shirt Day

  • Women's Transition Housing & Supports

  • Police Victim Services

  • Gender-based violence

  • BC Society of Transition Houses

  • Male Survivors of Sexual Assualt

  • Victim Services- Criminal Justice System

  • FoundryBC Virtual: Foundry BC is now offering virtual drop-in counselling for young people ages 12-24 and their families. 

  • Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: Call toll-free from anywhere in B.C.: 1-800-665-1822; Lower Mainland: 604-875-2084 for peer support, assistance in navigating the mental health system and accessing resources, and information and education about mental health and substance use challenges. 

  • BoosterBuddy Mobile App: A free, mobile app for young people to check in on their feelings each day

  • Dealing with Depression (DWD): A resource for teens who have been coping with depressed mood. It teaches a set of skills you can apply to your own life to overcome depression.

  • Mindshift: A free, mobile app designed to help teens and young adults learn how to relax

  • Stresslr: a fun and engaging way for children ages 9 to 11 to understand what causes them stress, and to develop healthy strategies to cope with stress in their everyday lives.

  • AnxietyCanada: Provides self-help, peer reviewed and trusted resources on anxiety. Online resources include educational videos on YouTube, information exchange on Facebook, downloadable articles and resources, and the Mindshift App. 

  • BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services: Provides a range of specialized mental health and substance use services for adults across the province.

  • Bounce Back®: Helps adults who are experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression, low mood, or stress, with or without anxiety. Provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association.

  • Heads Up Guys: Provides information, tips, and advice to support men in their fight against depression.

  • HeretoHelp: Provides information related to mental health and substance use. The website includes personal stories, self-help resources, and information about getting help now.

  • MindHealthBC: Provides easy access to information and resources related to mental health and substance use conditions.

  • Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use Support: Launched by the Federal Government, Wellness Together Canada provides free online resources, tools, apps, and connections to trained volunteers and qualified mental health professionals when needed. There is also self assessment followed by referral to self-led resources, as well as phone/text support lines available to adults and youth. Kids Help Phone manages the youth line.

  • E-Counselling: 


  • Yukon & BC only Crisis Team:

  • Directions Youth Services  

  •  Mental health topics 

  •  Here to Help - stories, articles, and support with how to deal with psychotic episodes

Campbell River 

  • Women's Resource Centre - Drop-in crisis and supportive counselling, Access to computers, fax, and phone, Client mail services, Poverty relief: free store with women's clothing and shoes, feminine hygiene products, and bedding, Tax preparation for low-income women



  • Burnaby Community Services - We currently are able to assist with Federal Government Programs: Eligibility and assistance with applications for pensions. Provincial Government Programs: Eligibility and assistance with application for programs , assist with filling out government card replacement applications.




  • Girls Rock Regina - mpower the voices of female, trans, Two-Spirit and gender-expansive youth and adults through music creation, collaboration and performance


  • READ Saskatoon - Local literacy organization that offers free literacy services to adults and families.  Call or Email







  • Art for Communities - It is about honoring and investing in the important role that artists have in bringing people together for social impact.



Waterloo Region 

Niagara Region

  • Gillian's Place - safe shelter and support services to thousands of women, non-binary folks, and children in the Niagara Region   Call or Email 

North Bay 

  • Amelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre - Empowering Youth to explore healthy relationships  through education, counselling, and a support group. Also addressing the gap in local services for those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, and who may be facing isolation and/or abuse.

North York 



  • Colectivo Satelital - artists, designers, DJs and writers from Venezuela, with the goal of sharing diasporic experiences. We aim to educate and foster community participation by creating digital platforms for emerging artists and through events, exhibitions, workshops and storytelling.

  • Daily Bread Food Bank -  one of Canada’s largest food banks distributing fresh and shelf-stable food, and fresh-cooked meals. Call or Email 

  • Eva's Initiatives for Homeless Youth - provides shelter, transitional housing, and health and well-being programming to help youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Toronto. 

  • Evangel Hall Mission - safety for individuals facing poverty, homelessness, mental health challenges, and addictions. Also provides affordable housing, health services, and community programs. Call or Email

  • FoodShare -collaborative, community-led programs and initiatives. Partnering with local leaders in the communities who are passionate about advancing the right to food for all through projects. Email 

  • Girl Power'd - Empowering Girls Through Gymnastics, Self Expression & Culture

  • K'are with Keke- Offering childcare for ages 0- 12 in the Etobicoke area 

  • OCIC - Promoting and developing social justice action (Toronto)

  • Pay What You Can Peer Support - weekly group support, using a pay what you can method, multiple different groups to choose from 


General Websites

French Version


Volunteer Opportunities 




  • FAMI - Alberta  - Families Supporting Adults with Mental Illness

  • Hope4Ukraine - Anyone feeling increased anxiety, stress, or depression about the war in Ukraine can subscribe to Hope4Ukraine. In English text “Hope4Ukraine” to 393939. In Ukrainian, Russian, and French texting the relevant keyword to 1-855-450-2266.

  • Kickstand -  integrated services including physical and sexual health, mental health and substance use supports and services, and housing, employment, and other social services for youth

  • Living Wage Alberta - assists communities in their annual living wage calculation and provides certification to qualifying living wage employers.

  • Prosper Place - Mental Illness supports, community of vibrant peer culture and peer excellence where people living with the effects of mental illness feel valued and encouraged to explore their self-directed paths of recovery. 

  • The Rainbow Society of Alberta - granting wishes for children in Alberta diagnosed with a severe chronic or life-threatening medical illness

  • Alberta Community Council on HiV

  • YWCA Edmonton - Creating brighter futures for women and children 



  • Edmonton Northwest Preschool - non-profit preschool located in the Inglewood neighbourhood of Edmonton

  • Entrust Disability Services - Entrust is a leader in disability respite services, providing innovative, best-practice care to our clients. We develop unique, personalized care plans so that we can provide complete, effective care to your loved one.



Test Now: Community Edition - a project that provides free INSTI HIV Self Test kits to GBT2SQ men :

  • Medi-Drugs Millcreek
    Dylan Moulton, Pharmacy Manager /Pharmacist,

  • LGBTQ+ Wellness Centre
    Sarah Alexander, Executive Director,,

  • Edmonton Men’s Health Collective (EMHC)
    Mark McAllister, Board Chair,
    Jesse Murray, Program Coordinator,, Brendan Collinge, Knowledge Development & Exchange Coordinator,

  • Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS)
    University of Alberta- 5-181 Education North.Glynnis Lieb, Executive Director,
    Melissa Peters, Interventions Specialist & Harm Reduction,
    Corey Wyness, Comprehensve Health Education Worker,

  • HIV Edmonton:
    Juan Ugalde, Capacity Building Facilitator,,Jonah Elke, Prevention & Education Lead,

Sturgeon County - wide range of healthy lifestyle programming including Senior/Youth Support, community assistance grants, a Living Well resource service and preventative programs and services for children, youth and adults.

Fort Mcmurray 

  • Fort McMurray Salvation Army Community Services Centre

Grande Prarie 

Lac La Biche 

  • Lakeland Out of the Elements Shelter Society


  • Leduc Hub Association


  • Lethbridge Shelter and Resource Centre


  • Lloydminster Men’s Shelter

Phone: 306-825-3977

Medicine Hat

Phone: 403-526-9699

Red Deer

Phone: 403-347-0181


  • Strathmore Overnight Shelter

Phone: 403-880-3171


  • 4904 51 Street

Phone: 780-360-2995


Test Now: Community Edition - a project that provides free INSTI HIV Self Test kits to GBT2SQ men :

  • Centre for Sexuality
    Nolan Hill, Gay Men’s Health Specialist,

  • Wellspring Calgary - A range of support, resources and programs so anyone living with cancer and the people who care about them can improve the quality of their lives.  Email

Red Deer

Safe & supportive foundation working with women with cancer and building a community​

  • Edmonton Vocal Minority - Singing group for the Queer community

  • REACH - programs in Edmonton for your children and youth ranging from in-school supports, to Out of School Time programs (OST), to programs that directly support mental health, and so much more. 


Nova Scotia

New Brunswick


 The Island Helpline



Québec City


Newfoundland & Labrador

Northwest Territories

  • NTHSSA - delivering health and social services in the Beaufort Delta, Dehcho, Sahtu, Fort Smith and Yellowknife regions of the NWT


Student Resources

Students, Youth

Important Information to Read


Apps For School

Youth Magazine


Tutoring/School Help/Mentorships

  • CoLab Program - innovation accelerator that helps the next generation of leaders, activists, innovators, entrepreneurs and critical thinkers, who are providing business solutions to Canada’s most pressing problems by offering them access to investment and mentorship via industry and academic experts. 

  • Free Tutoring  

  • ECECAF - Member Services: scholarships, special aid, driver Ed

  • Emerging Youth Consultancy - workshops, research, events

  • Become a tutor 

  • change4girls - Connect women with people who can mentor and guide them in regard to their career, and life overall.

  • NeedHelpNow - If you (or a friend, peer or sibling) have been negatively impacted by a sexual picture/video being shared by peers, we are here to help. The NeedHelpNow website is designed to provide youth (13 to 17 years old) with practical steps to regain control over the situation.

  • Services for resume & other career services 

  • Simple Studies -  hundreds of free resources to help you do well in school: study guides, college info guides, advice articles, and beyond.

  • The Post-interview email & Advice 

  • Work Study Account Executive - Student reviews for University & Graduate Students 

Focus Groups:



Student Clubs

  • Apathy is Boring - Getting youth involved in Canada's democracy and creating social change 

  • Art With Impact - committed to a future where artists are revered as cultural icons of courage and change, enabling young people to communicate freely and fearlessly about their mental health.

  • Break The Divide - Inspiring students to create change by fostering empathy and learning from one another through personal connection

  • Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health - helping Ontario’s colleges and universities enhance their capacity to support student mental health and well-being.

  • Children and Youth Pavilion - Amplify the voices of young people and drive action on global climate policies

  • Earthify - Advocating for Sustainability & science 

  • Emerging Youth Consultancy - Partnering with organizations and research groups to increase youth engagement, governance, & inclusion.

  • EntrepreYOUership - Financial literacy & entrepreneurship supports & resources 


  • Future Majority - activate young Canadians to drive political change.

  • IDRF Student Clubs

  • Scarborough Youth United leadership development and civic engagement opportunities for youth across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

  • Step Up YEG - Educating, engaging, and empowering youth to reduce inequalities in Edmonton and surrounding areas. 

  • Neat Mentality - increase awareness surrounding mental health and wellness!

  • Medical Herstory - Eliminating sexism, shame, and stigma from health experiences through storytelling, medical education, and patient advocacy

  • Mental Health Advocacy Academy Active Minds -empowers Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) high school students to enact change in their schools, communities, and states. 

  • Teen Advisory Council - action-oriented group of students who work to integrate the teen voice into Our Minds Matter’s goals, programming, and communications.

  • 20today20tomorrow -  establishing and promoting an innovative, positive, inspiring environment from which youth can learn, grow and flourish in their life. 

  • Transform Your Campus Program - guides on how to implement advocacy campaigns on campuses. 


  • The Fight Inside Society  - destigmatizing and decolonizing mental illness with the aim to promote cultural safety

  • Youth Rising Above - interactive and positive programming to marginalized youth 

British Columbia


Grant MacEwan University:

NorQuest College 

Beyond the Page -

  • On Our Minds - student-produced podcast about mental health challenges young people face. 




Black - anti-racism training , workshops and much more. Canada wide 

Research of youth facing barriers- Research Snapshot: Canadian Black children and youth face many barriers to accessing our mental healthcare system | EENet




  • Métis Housing - affordable housing units across the province of Alberta in fourteen urban centres: Bonnyville, Calgary, Cold Lake, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Lac La Biche, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat, Peace River, Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, St Paul and Slave Lake.

British Columbia 

  • Indigenous BC - must-have trip planning and educational tool that guides visitors through the Indigenous territories of BC and their unique, immersive experiences.

Apple store version 

Online Supports (Apps, chatrooms..etc)

Online Chat

  • Youthspace - online crisis & emotional support chat service



  • Apollo Neuroscience - Wearable wellness device for stress relief

  • Aura - meditations, soothing soundscapes, stories, life coaching, therapy foundations, prayer & much more

  • 7 Cups - Free, anonymous and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, online therapists & counselors.

  • GAP - Gaming for Peace 

  • Insight TimerResources for meditation, yoga & sleep, Simple guided meditations, great for beginners and customisable meditation timers and tracks

  • SPOKE: Music, Meditate, Sleep on

  • Talklife - Online peer support network


  • Public Love Project - Through conversations with activists, spiritual teachers & public thinkers, we explore topics of social healing, imagination, resilience..etc


Call or Email 

  • Conversion Therapy Dropout Network is another survivor support network. On the last Sunday of every month, they hold a Survivor Sunday round-table event where survivors come together and share stories.

  • CT Survivors is a group of survivors who have come together to connect and heal. You can join their newsletter and check out their events that include various trauma processing discussions for survivors. This network is based in the U.S. and welcomes Canadian SOGIECE/conversion therapy survivors.

  • CT Survivors Connect is a new Canadian, survivor led, online support group. Follow them on Twitter or Facebook.

  • International Pronouns Day - respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.

  • Introducing imi - It Gets Better - a tool for 2SLGBTQ+ teens, by 2SLGBTQ+ teens and their allies to help you explore your identity and support your mental health.

  • LGBTQ+ Fundamentals - Youtube Channel 

  • Pinkmantaray - Support groups & events

  • RARICANow - Helping enhance and sustain the health and well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community 

Call or Email 

  • Rpis-  inclusive space’s for diverse LGBTQ+ youth experiencing disabilities to gather and build leadership skills in Scarborough

  • SAFER - Wisdom2Action, safer access for everyone in the rainbow 

  • Shades of Colour - Support provided for those struggling with their identities and being a part of a community 

  • SPECTRUM - Trans and Gender Diverse Mental Health Toolkit 

  • Trans Everything

  • The Centre - The wellness centre offers support, services and referral for mental, social and medical support 

Call or Email

Canadian LGBTQ2+ Archives



Alone in Canada - 21 ways to make it better 

A Practical Guide 

This series of brochures provides practical information about:

Mental health & Wellbeing resources available in Chinese, Arabic, English, Farsi, Spanish and other languages 

  • New Youth - online community for immigrant and refugee youth all over Ontario

  • Department of Imaginary Affairs - invested in hearing, elevating and amplifying the voices, perspectives, and stories of newcomers and young people in Canada and their visions of alternative and equitable futures.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Factsheet 

Newcomer's guide to finding accommodation in Canada

Somali - language Resources 

Spanish-language Resources 

Tigrigna-language mental health resources for newcomers

Wellbeing: Invest in Your Life 


  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

We are on Treaty Six territory, the traditional lands and territories of the nehiyawak, Blackfoot, Nakota, Anishinaabe, and Métis peoples who are the legal caretakers and water protectors of this land, and who have been here since time immemorial.

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