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Resources found:


Autism and/or Intellectual Disability Knowledge Exchange Network (AIDE Canada)

Visit their website to learn more and find resources.

"5 mental health lessons we've learned in lockdown" (Blog post)


211 Alberta

Call, Text or Chat: 211

A Safe Place - Overcoming Domestic Abuse

24/7 Crisis Line: 780.464.7233, Crisis Email:, office phone: 780.464.7232

AFPAD - Association des familles de personnes assassinées ou disparues

Visit the website, telephone: 514 396-7389, Toll free: 1 877 484-0404 or email:

AQPV - Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes

Visit their website or call: 514-526-9037 Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

AVI Community Services - Sexual Health

Visit their website, find a location in Victoria, Nanaimo, Comox Valley, or Campbell River.
If you or someone you know in Victoria is experiencing a crisis, you can reach the Community-Led Crisis Response Team at 250-818-2454 or Toll-Free:1-250-818-2454. Services are available between 7:30am and 12:30am, 7 days/week.

Address Your Stress - "Stress Container" Resource


Alberta Council of Women's Shelters

Visit the website to find a shelter

Alberta Non-Insured Health Benefits Program

General Inquiries - Call: 1-800-232-7301 or Email:

Alzheimer Society Canada

Visit the website to find a society near you and access resources and information.

Anxiety and Depression Online Support Forum


Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services

Call or text 1-866-403-8000 or use the "GET SUPPORT NOW" chat box on the website 9am-9pm. email: Office phone: 403-300-0205

Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Visit the website. General inquiries:

BC Human Rights Tribunal - File a complaint

Online or call the Tribunal at 604-775-2000 – press 3 and then press 1 to speak to a Registry Officer.

Balls 4 Eyeballs

Visit the website to learn more

Bigstone Cree Nation Neepinise Healing Family Centre

Phone: (780) 891-3905, Toll-Free: 1-877-891-5322, Crisis Line: (780) 891-3333. Director:

Blurt Anxiety, Depression, and Self-Care Resources


British Columbia First Nations Non-Insured Health Benefits Program

Call (toll-free): 1-855-550-5454

Busting Myths About Eating Disorders (Blog)


COAST (Community Outreach and Support Team) Windsor

Call M-F 8am - 4pm; 519-973-4409 (Windsor) or 519-736-0208 (Amherstburg)

CSJR (Centre de services de justice réparatrice)

Visit their website, 514 933-3737 or 1 833 320 2757 toll free, or email:

CanChild Research Centre

Visit their website to learn more

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association

Call: Voice: 613-526-1584, Toll Free: 1-800-263-8068, TTY: 613-526-2692. E-mail:

Capella Centre Alberta St. Pauil

24h support line: 780-645-5195 or toll-free: 1-800-263-3045. Business line: 780-645-5132. Email:

Central Alberta Women's Emergency Shelter

24 Hour Helpline: Local: 1-403-346-5643 Toll Free: 1-888-346-5643, Crisis Textline: 1-403-506-0485.
Email Crisis Team: General Info:

Centre d’intervention en abus sexuels pour la famille (CIASF) Outaouais

Phone: 819 595-1905 or Toll-free: 1 855 595-1905, email: or visit the website.

Centres de Justice de Proximité

Visit their website to fine a centre.

Child Mind Institute


Cognitive Therapy Skills Workbook


Community Initiatives Against Family Violence (CIAFV)

Visit the website, call: (780) 428-3660 or email:

Visit their website for resources, services, and more.

Crisis Outreach and Response Team - Halton

Request a visit from the COAST 24/7 Mobile Crisis Response Team 1-877-825-9011.
Single-session call-in counselling available 289-291-5396 M-F 830am-430pm.
Safe beds available by contacting Halton Police. Additional intake and information available on their website, by calling 905-693-4270 email

Cybersmile Foundation - About Anxiety


Centre d’entraide et de traitement des agressions sexuelles (CETAS) Laurentides

Tél. : 450 431-6400 or email: M-Th: 830-4:30, Friday 830-12.

"What's Up Walk-In" Mental Health Counselling for Youth Toronto

To connect directly with a counsellor through online video, and voice, go to, or call 1-855-416-8255. One Stop Talk operates Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

3 Ways to Stop Stressing Out About Things You Can’t Control (Blog post)


A couer d'homme

Visit their website, call: 418 660-7799, or email: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador

Call: 709-579-8659, M-F: 830 am - 4pm, or email:

ASCERT Self-Help Resource Hub


Academics and ADHD: Insight and Understanding into Living with ADHD During University


After 'Me Too'


Alberta Health Services - Sexual Assault Response Teams

Access through local medical care in one of the servicing zones.

Alberta ONE LINE for Sexual Violence

Call or text:
1-866-403-8000 or visit their website to online chat.

Amelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre

24/h sexual violence helpline phone: 705-476-3355 or call the office 705-840-2403

Assaulted Women's Helpline

Call 1-888-794-6177

Atlantic (NL, NS, PE, NB) Non-Insured Health Benefits

Call: 1-800-565-3294 or email:

Awo Taan Healing Lodge Society Emergency Shelter for Women

Call our crisis line if your life is affected by abuse. 403-531-1972 or 403-531-1976

BC Mental Health & Crisis Response Service

Call 310-6789

Befrienders Worldwide

Visit the website to find the contact information for a centre near you.

Bipolar: New Life Outlook Blog


Boyle Street Community Services - Edmonton

(780) 424-4106​,

British Columbia Inuit and Non-Resident First Nations Non-Insured Health Benefits Program

Call 1-800-232-7301

CAAN Empowering Indigenous Communities - HIV/AIDS Support, Education, and Advocacy in Canada

Email:, Phone 1-306-332-0553. Visit the website / social media

COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team) Hamilton

24-hour/7 days a week COAST Crisis Line: 905-972-8338

Calgary Centre for Sexuality

Phone: 403-283-5580, E-mail:

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention


Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

Visit their website to find resources, explore their programs, and find your local CMHA location.

Catholic Family Services of Toronto

416-921-1163 Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; also Tue Thu 5 pm-9 pm; closed statutory holidays. Email or visit

Centre Ex-Equo Chaudière-Appalaches

Phone: 418 390-1900 or Toll-free: 1 877 613-1900, email:, or visit the website

Centre d’intervention en délinquance sexuelle (CIDS) Laval

Visit their website, email:, or phone: 579-641-3941. M-Th: 9am-5pm

Centres d’aide et de prévention pour les victimes d’agressions sexuelles (CPIVAS) Laval

Phone: 450-669-9053, Email: or M-F 8 am - 5pm.
24h emergency line: +1 888-933-9007

Children's Aid Society of Toronto

If you have a concern about a child at risk, contact the 24h line at 416-924-4646 or Toll-free 1.866.527.0833

Community Crisis Line - Scarborough and Rouge Hospital

Call 416 495-2891 for 24/7 telephone crisis support.

Community Options - Learning and Child Care in Edmonton

Visit their website for details on programs or contact the office: , 780-455-1818. M-F: 830am-5pm.


Call 1-866-531-2600

Crisis Support - Scarborough Health Network

Visit or call one of the Scarborough hospitals or response teams.

Indigenous Services Canada

Phone: 1-800-567-9604, Email:, hours: M-F 9-6 EST

21 Grief Journaling Prompts to Get the Healing Energy Flowing


A Community for Peace for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence

In-person, Sacramento California, or through their 24h crisis line (916) 728-7210.

ADDitude Magazine - Online ADHD Resource

Visit the website


Telephone: 604-278-2257
Toll free: 1-800-708-3228
Fax: 604-278-4257

ATscale - Global Partnership for Assistive Technology

Visit their website to learn more.

Adaptabilities Support Office in Edmonton 8:30 am – 4:00 pm (PLEASE NO DROP-INS BETWEEN 12:00-12:30pm). T: 780-431-8446

Alberta Child Abuse Helpline

To report concerns for the safety and well-being of a child please call 1-800-387-KIDS (5437) or for Crisis/Child Intervention, call: 1-800-638-0715

Alberta Health Services Supervised Consumption Site & Connect Program

Call: 403-955-3380

Alberta Provincial Abuse Helpline

1-855-4HELPAB (1-855-443-5722).

Antidepressant Skills Workbook


Association canadienne pour la santé mentale – Section Saguenay

Phone: 418 549-0765 or email:

Autism Speaks

BC Human Rights Clinic Inquiry Line

The Inquiry Line is open 5 days a week, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
You can reach the Inquiry Line at 604-622-1100 or toll free 1-855-685-6222 or email at

BC Office of Indigenous Health

Call 1-833-552-1891 or visit their website.

Best Practices/Recommendations for Reporting about Suicide in the Media


Birchway Niagara

Visit their website to find a location/service. Or use the confidential 24-Hour Support Line 905-356-5800 (Call or Text). Email:

Bring Change to Mind


Buddy Up


CNIB Foundation

COVID19 Anxiety (Blog)


Calgary Distress Centre

Call or text: 403-266-HELP (403-266-4357) or use the online chat on their website.

Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Visit their website, call 1 416 363 1066, or toll Free: 1-877-292-2288, or email In-person services operate out of Toronto

Cape Breton Centre for Sexual Health

Phone: (902) 539-9650, email:

Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre: SENDERO

Call 1-866-956-1099 (24/7), or use their online chat during business hours.

Centre de Ressources et d’Intervention Pour Hommes Abusés Sexuellement dans leur Enfance (CRIPHASE)

Visit their website, Téléphone: 514 529-5567 or email:

Centre d’intervention en violence et abus sexuels de l’Estrie (CIVAS Estrie)

Phone: 819 564-5127 #222 email: or visit their website.

Changing the Flow

Online/social media

Climate Mental Health Network


Community Homes for Opportunity (CHO)

Apply online for supportive housing.

ConnecTeen - Calgary Distress Centre Teen/Youth Mental Health Helpline

Call: 403-264-8336, text: 587-333-2724 or chat online.

Credit Valley Hospital Emergency - Mississauga

Call 905 813 4141 or visit the emergency room.

Crisis Support Line - Peel Dufferin

If you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, support is available 24/7. Call us anytime: 905-278-9036 or 1-888-811-2222

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